Your starting point for conducting the business of the college, including things like buying equipment and managing money, people, projects and facilities.

Wolverine Access

U-M’s hub for employee and university business

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Facilities Management – Resource Planning & Management (RPM)

A division of RPM and the home for all things related to the college’s physical spaces. Includes:

  • Safety compliance and training
  • Construction and renovation
  • Space management
  • Energy management

Contact: [email protected]

U-M Facilities & Operations

Responsible for physical spaces university-wide, including construction, custodial, safety, maintenance, sustainability.

Contact: Facilities Service Center, (734) 647-2059


Room scheduling – 25Live scheduling system

Duderstadt Center

Work order forms


Unit Administrators and Office Managers

Duties vary by department and unit, but if you need to buy or pay for something, your UA or Office Manager is the place to start.


U-M Procurement Services

The university’s division in charge of purchasing, travel and expenses. Includes Marketsite, preferred vendors and procurement policies.

Contact: [email protected]

Finance & Budget

Finance & Budget – Resource Planning & Management (RPM)

Provides support, leadership and tools to help you be a good steward of your financial resources.


U-M Financial Operations

Oversees university financial operations, including payroll, student accounts, tax management and other business functions.

Contact: Financial Operations contacts


Engineering Human Resources – Resource Planning & Management (RPM)

As it relates to hiring, HR supports recruiting and onboarding of staff. It’s where you’ll find recruiting and hiring procedures and offer letter information.

Contact: [email protected]

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs – Recruiting & Hiring

Guidance for recruiting and hiring tenure-track and non tenure-track faculty, including dual-career information.

Contact: Sherry Hall, [email protected]; Jen Piper, [email protected]

U-M Student Employment Office

The university’s central source for students who want to work and the people who want to hire them.

Contact: [email protected], (734) 763-4128

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence – Resource Planning & Management (RPM)

The place to turn for official data and statistical information about the college and help using it strategically.

Contact: [email protected]

Information and Technology Services (ITS) Analytics & Reporting

Gateway to data about the university.


Community Partnerships

Office of Culture, Community & Equity (OCCE)

Community outreach includes running engineering pipeline programs for K-20 students and oversees community partnerships.

Contact: Executive director Gabe Javier, [email protected]

Office of Advancement

Builds and maintains relationships with donors and stewards gifts to the college.

Contact: Senior executive director Mike Drake, [email protected]

Alumni engagement

Builds and maintains relationships with alumni through service opportunities, family camps and events.

Contact: Director of alumni relations Hannah McKenley, [email protected]

Project Support

Project Management Team

Team of business analysts and project managers from Resource Planning and Management (RPM) and CAEN who provide consulting and support on projects.

Contact: [email protected]

Research Administration – Resource Planning & Management (RPM)

Provides information, resources, and tools to help staff prepare research proposals and manage project finances. 

Contact: Director of Research Administration Rick Wintergerst, [email protected]



Provides IT services for the college, including instructional technology, lecture recording, email moderation and web services.

Contact: IT Managers, CAEN help desk (734) 764-2236 or [email protected]

Engineering Administration Computer Support (EACS)

Computing support for administrative units.

Contact: [email protected]

U-M Information & Technology Services (ITS)

University-level IT.

Contact: [email protected] or (734) 764-4357

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