Resources to help students navigate their academic endeavors and stay healthy, safe and well outside the classroom.

Visit the U-M learning management system.

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Advising & Academic Help

Engineering Center for Academic Success: Supports academic success for all engineering students. Includes tutoring, supplemental instruction, scholastic standing.

Contact: call (734) 615-8438 or schedule an appointment

Scholastic standing committee, [email protected]

Engineering Advising Center: Support for first-year and undeclared students, including academic advising, personal counseling, career exploration, goal setting.

Contact: 734-647-7106 or [email protected]

Engineering Course Guide and Bulletin: The definitive source. Current requirements for all engineering majors, minors and programs.

Contact: Engineering registrar Betsy Dodge, [email protected]

Academic Services: Handles the ins and outs of degree audits, drop/add procedures, transfer credit approval.


Health & Wellness

Michigan Engineering C.A.R.E. Center: Support resources for engineering students and their families.

Contact: (734) 615-1405 or [email protected]

University Health Service (UHS): Campus health and wellness resource, offering comprehensive clinical services plus support for well-being.

Contact: (734) 764-8320, [email protected], After-hours help: Nurse advice by phone

Scholarships & Fellowships

Scholarships & Fellowships: Aid and funding opportunities for engineering undergraduate and graduate students, including emergency funding.

Contact: [email protected]

U-M Office of Financial Aid: The university’s central resource for figuring out how to pay for college. Includes grants, loans, work-study and childcare subsidy.

Contact: (734) 763-6600, [email protected]


CAEN: Provides IT services for the college, including computer labs equipped and configured for engineering coursework.

Contact: CAEN help desk (734) 764-2236 or [email protected]

U-M Information  & Technology Services (ITS): University-level IT.

Contact: [email protected] or (734) 764-4357

Engineering Office of the Registrar: Areas include engineering class credit, courses, scheduling, transfers, graduation and application for MEng and DEng programs.

Contact: Registrar Betsy Dodge, [email protected] | Graduate Registrar Matthew Faunce, [email protected]

U-M Registrar’s Office: Includes academic calendars, records, tuition, graduation.

Contact: Registrar’s office contacts and live chat


Course Guides

U-M Academic Calendar

Careers & Jobs

Engineering Career Resource Center (ECRC): Offers career advising, workshops, job search resources. Hosts career fairs. Uses the Engineering Careers, by 12twenty scheduling platform.

Contact: [email protected], (734) 647-7160

U-M Student Employment Office: Portal for job-seeking students and student-seeking employers.

Contact: [email protected], (734) 763-4128

Student Life

Student OrganizationsIncludes engineering-affiliated student organizations, student government and travel opportunities.

Contact: Engineering Center for Student Organizations Director Mariah Fiumara, [email protected] | Student Organization Support Coordinator Katelyn Killewald, [email protected]

Forms & Policies



Academic standing

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